This post, Trypophobia Skin Diseases is for those who would love to know about Trypophobia,its causes, and various Trypophobia skin.
Most People at times misspell the word Trypophobia, some spell it as trypopphobia,tritophobia, tryphobia, or even trypofobia, the correct spelling is Trypophobia, which is gotten from two greek words, TRYP which means holes and Phobia which means FEAR
What is Trypophobia
What is Trypophobia Skin Disease
Trypophobia Skin Disease Images
You should look around the listed symptoms to know if you have Trypophobia of the skin disease or to identify victims. If after seeing holes on skins and diseased tissues, a person observes the following body reactions, then he or she has the phobia;
- Having a panic attack and sweating
- Feeling nauseated or itchy
- Feeling uncomfortable
- Having visual discomfort like eyestrain, distortions or illusions
- Having goose bumps
- Thinking there might be something scary living inside the holes
- Fluttering of the heart
- Tightening of shoulders and shivering.
Trypophobia skin disease is not contagious it has to do with the way the brain is wired and as a result can’t be influenced by mere contact with someone who has it. It has nothing to do with the immune system but rather with a section of the brain which associates trypophobic images with danger and as such an exposure to such images makes the victim to experience a surge in heart beat.
Trypophobia tests can be performed by these methods;
Exposing a victim to holey objects, presenting the skin disease images to an individual suspected to have the phobia.
Lotus seed pod phobia test which is used to detect the presence of fears of holes in the skin is done by exposing the individuals to lotus pods.
Trypophobia Test picture can be conducted through images created to show skin holes, such as exposure to pictures of bees’ hives and corals. The individual will feel a very directly palpable fear when exposed to such objects or images with clusters of holes.
CAUSES Of Trypophobia
According to Geoff Cole and Arnold Wilkins of the University of Essex’s centre for Brain science after their researches, Trypophobia as an “unconscious reflex reaction” which has an evolutionary basis alerts humans of dangerous organisms, perhaps Trypophobia of the skin disease is a reflex reaction to prevent a trypophobic person from contracting skin disease after seeing the skin.
Just like you uncontrollably drop an hot object or withdraw your hands to save yourself from burning.
TREATMENT Of Trypophobia Skin Disease
Although, no cure had been found for it, but the “exposure therapy” which has been used to treat several phobias is presumed to be a treatment for trypophobia skin disease.